A review by amyrhoda
Rush Home Road by Lori Lansens


Rush Home Road is the story of an old woman and a little girl, and of love and home and belonging.

I liked this book. The characters are beautifully drawn and likeable (except when they're bad guys). Lansens has a great sense of time and place and creates vivid settings. I can see why the movie option for this book sold so quickly: it's very cinematic. (What are you waiting for, Whoopi Goldberg?) Indeed, Lansens was a screenwriter before she wrote this, her first novel.

The plot is melodramatic in retrospect, but events are not so improbable as to pull you out of the book. As always with Lansens' books, everything comes together in a tidy and satisfying manner at the end.

I'm not sure why Lansens, a white woman, writes so often about black and mixed-race people. I can't personally speak to whether she handled black experience in Southern Ontario well in Rush Home Road. However, this review by [a:George Elliot Clarke|367678|George Elliot Clarke|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] suggests it was well done.