A review by wargwe
The Complete Works of Alberto Caeiro: Bilingual Edition by Fernando Pessoa


“In cities, life is smaller.” Fyuh, this opening line came in useful for a genius loci PPT deck I did for work on Tuesday lol.

Alberto Caeiro is a fictional shepherd created by canonical 19th century Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa, complete with birth and death. Pessoa created 136 personas in his lifetime, what he calls ‘heteronyms’: “beings with sort-of-a-life-of-their-own, with feelings I do not have, and opinions I do not accept, while [whose] writings are not mine, they do also happen to be mine”. Early incarnation of the modern day theatre-actor. I discovered him on an INFP forum; his poetry is said to capture nuanced feelings INFPs have about being alone and projections on the natural world (belated paganism alert).

I’m not a big fan of (long form) poetry as a medium, made it through because I saw a few ✨ dazzling stanzas ✨ in ‘The Keeper of Sheep’ early on and hung onto the hope that there’d be more ahead. To be fair this was written during the 19th century, so how much of this work is beauty and truth vs how much is taste.

I like the book cover though LOL.