A review by capesandcovers
Soul of Stars by Ashley Poston


When I finished Heart of Iron the first time, back in 2017, it was before the book had even officially been released, and I was DYING for the sequel. It took me a while to finally get to it, and now that I have I am DELIGHTED. And very emotional, if you thought HOI gave you feels, that was nothing. To quote one of my (spoiler free) updates as I read "I'm fucking yelling, I DIDN'T WANT THESE FEELINGS."

I usually try to keep sequel reviews short for the sake of not spoiling anything (and because I feel like most people know if they want to continue the series by the end of book 1 tbh), and this review is no exception. Soul of Stars wasn't as plot twisty as the first book, but I was honestly alright with that. It left more room to let things build up, and to fill in more of the characters' personalities and relationships. I still wish we had gotten to know some of the new characters a bit better, but I understand why we didn't, since this is a full ensemble cast written into two books with a pretty complex plot and world.

If you're questioning picking this book up, please, just do yourself a favor and read it! I loved how Ana, Di, Jax and Robb's stories continued, and I LOVED finding out more about Captain Siege's past. I tore through this in only two days and I could pretty much just sit here raving about how much I adored this, but instead I'll let you go read it for yourself.