A review by abibliofob
Perfect Shot: A Thriller by Steve Urszenyi


What a fantastic debut book by this my third favorite Canadian author. Perfect Shot by Steve Urszenyi is the first book about FBI agent Alexandra Martel. She is on lone to Interpol in the beginning of this book and she has a past history in the army as a paramedic and sniper. Urszenyi has created a great character and I can't wait until the next book to see where it all will go. I had some fun when I read this first installment in what I'm certain will be a great series people will talk about and I laughed out loud when two names appeared that I recognised from somewhere else. Both are pilots and one has written a book on my tbr pile. I will recommend this book to all that will listen to me. I found the plot and the telling of it very good and the author has managed to avoid most of the standard things one find in thrillers today, I don't know if it's something about Canada that is different when it comes to making up stories but the authors I like that comes from there is all blazing their own trail. Much to my delight, it can be a bit boring with the same old, over and over again. I must as always thank Minotaur Books Macmillan and Edelweiss for giving me this great new book as an advance copy. It's out in stores November 14th, don't you dare miss it.