A review by pattydsf
Everything Comes Next: Collected and New Poems by Naomi Shihab Nye


”The library shelves opened their arms. In the library everyone was rich. I stacked my bounty, counting books, arranging their spines. Bindings of new books smelled delicious.”

These sentences are from Nye’s introduction to this collection. If I started quoting her poems here, I would run out of room before I ran out of favorites. Nye touches my heart with almost all her poems. I am so happy that this collection has poems that I have known awhile like “Kindness” and poems that are new to me.

I was so excited to hear that she was chosen to be the Young People’s Poet Laureate. She is the perfect choice - for some of her poems are easily understood, even if you think you don’t like poetry. Children may catch the poetry bug from her.

Because I am not a poet, actually not a writer of any kind, I don’t have the words to say how important Nye has been to my life. She puts words to feelings, hopes, desires. I am grateful to her for how she has enriched my life.

Everyone should read her verse. It is a gift to us all.