A review by bookfairy99
Steering by Starlight: The Science and Magic of Finding Your Destiny by Martha N. Beck


Martha Beck, as usual, blends her unique combination of practical advice and woo-woo theories bordering on the stark raving mad. Some of her books are more mystical in nature than others, and this one certainly requires a healthy dose of suspending your disbelief. Beck even warns readers about this in the book's introduction (she calls it 'putting your brackets up'), so it's not as though the magical utterings come as a surprise.

What I always appreciate about Beck is that she allows herself to be her quirky, authentic self on the page: funny, irreverent, academic, and wholly convicted in her beliefs. My only slight complaint with the book is that I would have liked more practical advice for actually tapping into all that Stargazer potential I'm supposed to have inside me. But then again, I guess if accessing it was as simple as filling out a worksheet, it wouldn't exactly be much of a magical process, now, would it?

Ultimately, Beck proves once again that she knows her audience well: spiritual seekers willing to follow her on an in-depth exploration of their hidden places, in the hopes they may discover the starlight has been there all along.