A review by trackofwords
Deathwatch: Swordwind by Ian St. Martin


Day three of Black Library’s 2016 Summer of Reading sees Ian St. Martin tackle the Deathwatch again after City of Ruin with Deathwatch: Swordwind. Adoni of the Mortifactors returns to his Chapter’s fortress monastery at the conclusion of his secondment to the Deathwatch, oathbound to not speak of his experiences but bearing with him a chapter relic. As he rejoins his brothers he recalls the fateful mission where he fought alongside a hero of his Chapter against the eldar of Biel Tan, a battle which will have a profound impact on his Chapter.

Read the rest of the review at https://trackofwords.wordpress.com/2016/08/21/quick-review-deathwatch-swordwind-ian-st-martin/