A review by divineauthor
Twelfth Knight by Alexene Farol Follmuth

emotional funny inspiring medium-paced


“I think the best thing we can do in this life is take care of each other […] I just think maybe happiness isn’t crossing a finishing line, or finally meeting the right person or getting the right job or finding the right life. It’s the little things […] It’s the thing that happens to you while you’re wide awake and dreaming.” —Vi Reyes, page 301

i’ve learned over the years to never expect your conventional storytelling from farol follmuth, so i was sufficiently prepared for this! TWELFTH KNIGHT is more of a coming of age novel than a ya romance, and, honestly, i love it. i love seeing these teenagers learn more about the world, i love them turning the corner and running into a piece of themselves that maybe they were running from or they haven’t met yet, i love the tenderness of their world which is not yet fully realized but filled with so much potential. 

ugh. teens. rolls my eyes (fondly). vi is so dear to me. i love girls who are just uncompromising about themselves, who are maybe too caustic and, of course, too smart for the world. obsessed with jack’s willingness to be open—his knee injury and all that entails, the MMORPG game nick introduced him to, vi and all her vi-ness, etc. really happy that the side characters (olivia, bash, antonio, et al.) all had weight and all meant something which leads me to the shakespeare of it all: farol follmuth’s always been fond of any type of shakespeare retelling, and this is no different. the identity shenanigans were fun, the bisexualism of shakespeare’s TWELFTH NIGHT did make an appearance (wink!), and the namessss. i have grown so fond of vi-prefix names. sighhhhhh

okay onto my issues that are not really issues but you know. it is what it is. farol follmuth’s prose swings between brilliant and naive. like she’ll right a gorgeous piece about learning to be vulnerable and then next there’s a boy in all caps yelling AND smirking. wonders never cease with her!

the added bonus for me is that the MMORPG game is based on arthurian legend, which is, if you know me, a soft spot. did the ending of that game make me tear up? yeah. we won’t talk about that. whateverrrrr. anyway, this is a very heart-warming read and i did enjoy it, so many some of y’all will to. but who’s to say. all right, love n light, guys. MWAH!