A review by snazel
Star Trek: Boldly Go, Vol. 2 by Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrott


Now. This was, of course, lots of fun. I will pretty much read any Star Trek and love it. And I loved seeing Jaylah and her crew (so good always I love them!).

HOW-EV-ER. There's a throwaway line where they're asking Dr. McCoy permission to do something medical as part of a murder investigation. And he says;
"What you're suggesting could get me kicked out of Starfleet. Not to mention that it's dangerous. And highly unethical. Okay I'm in."

I do NOT think that is a good writing of the character. Something that'd get Dr. McCoy kicked out of starfleet? Sign him the hell up, griping the entire way. Something dangerous? Unless it's a transporter, he'll be right there, also griping, ready to do some kind of crazy never-before-conceived-of surgery on a new alien they just identified. Unethical? Wait hold up now noooooo, one thing Dr. McCoy is NOT is cavalier with his patients, their rights, or the general practice of Medical Ethics. He's a doctor, not a spy, damnit. If that's the way they're taking the character now, I don't like it.

So that wasn't good. The arc with Uhura earning the respect of everyone on New Vulcan with her intelligence and control and then saving the day with her emotions was great though.