A review by booksplantsandtea
The Duke's Rules Of Engagement by Jennifer Haymore

Did not finish book.
DNF at 25%

I tried reading this book twice.

The first time, in August, I stopped reading after 3 chapters, because I couldn't get into it and wasn't particularly fond of the writing. Granted, I was in a major book slump, so it could've been me. So I put it down and thought I'd try again before the release date. But then that came closer and closer, and I just didn't feel the pull to read it again. Finally, I gave it another shot because I saw some good reviews about it. I started reading and stopped at 25%. Although I don't think it's as bad as I thought it was the first time around, I just don't feel compelled to continue reading. In fact, I hadn't read anything in 4 days because I just always found something better to do than read. I don't feel involved with or pulled into the story, and I don't feel much chemistry with and between the characters. So, I decided to DNF at 25%.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced reading copy given to me by the publisher through Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own*