A review by wellreadruby
While We Were Dating by Jasmine Guillory


Ehhh (Review Contains Spoilers)

The overall story I liked but the heroine Anna just wasn’t it for me. I loved Ben and loved how he finally opened up for a woman instead of being the typical playboy Ben. I wish we got more on his meeting up with Dawn, therapy, interactions with Theo/their mom, and just more from Ben’s side in general. Everything with Anna was over the top and just not likeable. Running and hiding from her anxiety I know played a role in her actions but at certain points I just think she was in denial about someone being able to love her. Jasmine Guillory’s writing is still wonderful and I’m sad to see this series end especially when this doesn’t feel like the end and this story has me wanting more on the situation with Dawn. Lastly this was a good listen for audible, Janina Edwards always does a great job. Not favorite of this series but still a decent story.