A review by archergal
Harvest Home by Thomas Tryon


I remember (barely) when Tom Tryon was an actor. I'd always been a little curious about him as a novelist. I was curious about Harvest Home too, so when I saw it on Scribd, I figured I'd read it.

I thought it was creepy AF.

It's got a strong "women are kinda creepy and men should kinda watch out" theme going on. It's the whole corn/earth/fertility rites/sacrifice thing too, with the women as rite-keepers (if there's such a term.)

It starts out slow. The Constantine Family (Ned, Beth, and daughter Kate) are looking to get out of NYC. They find a little out of the way village that looks perfect. They find a house, think they're fitting in. Then harvest season comes around. It's seven years since the last Harvest King was chosen. The reign of the current Harvest King is coming to an end. Things are about to get weird.

The writing is a bit more lush and lavish than I expected. It's prettwy well-written, I think, except that Ned, the viewpoint character, is pretty much an idiot, especially as the story goes on.

I liked it. I kept thinking about it while I wasn't reading it, and was eager to get back to the story. That said, I didn't end up having anxiety dreams after reading it, so it's not TOO disturbing.