A review by caseroo7
Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters


Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

After reading the first three books in the Debt Inheritance Series by Pepper Winters, I couldn't wait to read more by her. So I jumped at the chance to read her Monsters in the Dark Series. I had heard so many good things about this series, but it was honestly one that I just hadn't gotten around to reading yet. I cannot believe that it took me this long! Seriously this series sucked me right in from the start, and I cannot get enough of Tess and Q!

Tess has noticed that her sex life has been a bit stale with her boyfriend Brax, so when he surprises her with a vacation to Cancun she thinks it is the perfect time to spice things up a bit. She never expects to be kidnapped and taken to France to the estate of Q Mercer. At first Tess believes that Q will be just as bad as those that took her, but she quickly realizes that things are different with him. Though she knows it's wrong, she can't help but be drawn to him. Tess finds herself changing the more time that she spends in Q's home, and before long she starts to see that Q is not at all like she thought he was. Will Brax find her and take her home, or will Tess be forever changed before she has a chance to return to her home?

Q and Tess were such complicated characters, and I found myself loving them as soon as they were introduced. Tess wanted more from her life than what she was getting with Brax. While he was sweet and treated her well, she was bored and found herself with desires that he was unable to fulfill. I loved how strong Tess was and I really enjoyed seeing her fight back. She wasn't going to just accept her fate and let others do what they pleased, and I was glad that she was so feisty. That being said, she was also capable of letting go and relinquishing control when she wanted to. Her connection with Q was instant, and these two were the perfect match for one another. They completed each other in a way that no one else did, and I found it so interesting how they just understood one another. Q was such a mystery at first and though he started off looking as bad as they come, I really enjoyed seeing how he really was beneath the facade. With each new layer peeled back we got to see him in a whole new light, and it was easy to see why Tess would be so drawn to him. These two had insane chemistry and were so hot together. They were exactly what they needed and wanted when it came to their physical desires, and I loved the passion between them.

I could not put this book down, and a lot of that was because of the connection that was forming between Q and Tess. Though these two came together in such horrible circumstances, it was clear that they were meant to find one another. I loved how Pepper Winters showed the reader that sometimes the road is a difficult one, but that we will somehow get to where we need to be. Beyond the darkness there is light, and sometimes we find ourselves in places that we never expected. Pepper Winters is a fantastic writer, and I love that I can never tell what will happen next. She masterfully weaves her stories together in a way that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. Her stories are raw and gritty, and are not for everyone. But I love that they are so unique and different, and I am a huge fan of hers. I cannot wait to get more of Q and Tess, and see what happens next for these two.

**Review Copy Provided by As the Pages Turn**