A review by daredeviling
Rituals by Kelley Armstrong


This book left me a little unsatisfied, but overall on the whole, I would say that it was enjoyable and a good conclusion to the series (even though now I'm sad that there aren't going to be any more books). I was glad that Olivia and Gabriel finally had their chance at a relationship, even if I was rooting for an OT3 situation, but their friendship with Ricky and their determination not to let anything get in between their friendship was really sweet, and actually a nice change from love triangle where someone loses. You don't really get the feeling that Ricky lost, especially since he and Olivia were basically as close as they were before. I also liked that Olivia chooses to live with one group of fae while riding with their other, especially because they kept emphasizing before that it's when she chooses that disaster strikes. She learned from those past mistakes and didn't repeat them. Really, the characters were what made this series, and I really loved all of them from beginning to end (especially Gabriel!)

Finding about the slaugh manipulating all the players from the beginning was cool, but tbh, if they're going to build up to something like that, I wish that there had been mention of it in the other books. Like, not even in detail, but I wish it'd been included here and there so it didn't feel like it just popped up in the end to become this big deal (kind of like how I wish we'd found out about the Deathly Hallows in the HP series earlier on). Still, it's probably more of a personal preference kind of thing, and overall, the book was enjoyable regardless.