A review by m0thermayi
Give in to Me by Elle Spencer


3.5 stars | Popular author Whitney Ainsworth, recently divorced from Hollywood actress Reece, is suffering from a very bad case of writer's block. The first book in her insanely popular suspense series is being turned into a movie and the fact that her ex-wife is playing the lead is not helping matters. Listening to her manager and best friend, Whitney decides to let off some steam and have a one-night stand with the beautiful stranger at the bar, not knowing that Brie is the book blogger who trashed her latest novel.

I'm not really sure how to review this book. On the one hand, I enjoyed it. Despite the premise, the tone of the book is light and fun, very casual. The writing is witty, with good dialogue, banter and humour. Good pacing; it's a quick and easy read with charming main characters.

On the other hand, I felt like this book was trying to accomplish too much, meaning everything feels superficial. The characters have some dept, but I would've wanted more. I didn't really feel the chemistry between the two main characters and so I couldn't root for their happy ending.

As with the previous book I read from this author, the ending felt a little rushed. I wouldn't have minded a few more chapters to really see how their relationship progressed once all their little conflicts were resolved.

Overall, I had a good time reading this book, but I don't think the story or the characters will stay with me very long. It's a shame because I know Elle Spencer is an excellent writer. This book just wasn't for me, but I will still read whatever she writes next.

Thanks to Bold Strokes Books for the eARC copy.