A review by gnostalgia
Nebula Awards Showcase by Catherine Asaro


I was very happy to recieve a free review copy of this year’s Nebula Awards showcase. It will be available at your favorite local bookstore around May 14th.

Like Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get. In this case, you get a nice selection of scifi. Of course, some titles will appeal more to some than others. The beauty of a showcase like this one is that you will experience writers that you may not have read otherwise. The book is packed with short stories, excerpts, and poetry.

In my case, I jumped to the poetry of Amal El-Mohtar’s Peach-Creamed Honey.

"sweets her elbow with the slip of it,
wears it like perfume."

I got a pretty good chuckle out of Connie Willis’ "Ado" when various pressure groups chopped away at Shakespeare.

“ASS, the Association of Summer Sunbathers object to the line, ‘I am too much i’ the sun,”‘ Ms. Harrows said, and took a swig from the bottle of cough syrup.

"Ado" wouldn’t be so brilliant if it were not so true.

I really enjoyed the Nebula Awards Showcase 2013 and highly recommend it. I give it a solid 5 stars out of 5.