A review by aprilbooksandwine
The Keepers: Christmas in Salem: Do You Fear What I Fear? / The Fright Before Christmas / Unholy Night / Stalking in a Winter Wonderland by Beth Ciotta, Deborah Leblanc, Kathleen Pickering, Heather Graham


I kind of hate writing the intro to reviews of books that I am decidedly ambivalent toward. It’s with a bit of a heavy heart that I have to announce to you all that I kind of did not love The Keepers: Christmas In Salem, this anthology of four interlocking stories that basically pick up the plot thread with new characters at all. I found this book to be plodding, repetitive, and frankly, boring. Look, I gave it a chance, but it turns out that I just don’t care how hunky supernatural dudes and their lady-friends spend Christmas. HOWEVER, what I will admit to is that the whole world building is cool, just I thought the book wasn’t all that well developed.
Read the rest of my review here
Note: Review will post on December 11, 2013. The link will not work until then.