A review by elles_shelves
Tomb of Gods by Brian Moreland


Tomb of Gods by Brian Moreland is part adventure, part horror, and part Egyptian mythology. Dr. Harlan Riley is a famed British archaeologist who is seeking the tomb of Nebenteru, where it is believed King Ramses II sealed his royal secrets. He and his team became lost while on an exhibition for the British Museum of London in 1935. One year later, Dr. Riley is found wandering the desert after being missing for a year; however, he comes back covered in scars and is placed in a mental hospital. His granddaughter, Imogen Riley, is determined to find out what happened to her grandfather in Egypt. She joins an expedition that is following the path of her grandfather to find out the mysteries of the Nebenteru. What follows is a good old fashioned Egyptian pyramid story complete with mysterious disappearances, accidents, booby traps, and rumored curses. This is a fast paced story and I quickly devoured it nearly in one sitting because it was fun!

I initially was attracted to the book because it is published by Flame Tree Press, which usually hit the mark for a fun filled horror novel. This was even better than I expected because it really delved into Egyptian mythology and the concept of a centralized creation myth between various early civilizations. This is my first novel by Moreland, but I will definitely be checking out his earlier works. If they are anything like Tomb of Gods.