A review by areaxbiologist
The Return of the Honey Buzzard by Aimée de Jongh


Gorgeous, brutal, Gus Van Sant-like, and full of tiny brilliant details. Deals with death, the paralytic feeling that it's better to make no choice than choose, and losing out to the future. What is the right way to give up when you're fighting a losing battle?
The author connects this through the story of the honey buzzards, a childhood accident, a suicide, and the death of an independent bookstore. As Simon (the independent book store owner) comes to terms with his experiences,
failures, and his need to choose, his brain creates an 'angel' to help him see that he cannot change the past.
I loved how sad this was. I like sad acoustic guitar songs for the same reason I like this book. They use their beauty to make the tragedy more poignant.