A review by amy_h_45
Temples, Tombs & Hieroglyphs: A Popular History of Ancient Egypt by Barbara Mertz


I never thought that I’d read a book about ancient Egypt and end up crying at the end, but that’s exactly what this book did to me. I read this book with my daughter as part of her homeschool curriculum, so it wasn’t of my choosing, but I’m so glad I read it. Barbara Mertz lovingly takes her reader through the history of ancient Egypt, with a tone that I can only think of as sassy grandma. As an Egyptologist, with a PhD, she has spent her fair share of time studying her subject. She writes with warmth and humor. She is not afraid to insert her thoughts and opinions about current theories historians and archaeologists hold about ancient Egypt. This is a history book unlike other history books that I’ve ever read—more like you’re sitting at lunch with an expert who is talking to you like a friend and not like a student. I absolutely loved it!