A review by destinyvanburen
Hunt, Gather, Parent: What Ancient Cultures Can Teach Us About the Lost Art of Raising Happy, Helpful Little Humans by Michaeleen Doucleff


Although I found some of the themes to be repetitive; I also found the information to be immensely useful and interesting.

Not only to learn the ways western cultures have derailed their ideas of modern day parenting with outrageous amounts of control and helicopter approaches; with little to no evidence that this is beneficial to anyone- parent, child or community.. but to have it directly contrasted first hand by multiple hunter-gather communities and how they have parented for thousands of years. With overwhelming evidence of the benefits for child development, parental involvement and community engagement.

This book not only depicts the impacts the parent has on child, but child on parent. Again drawing on emotional intelligence and regulation.

It even touches on the stress mothers feel to preform duties above and beyond what they were ever capable of implementing in the first place. Truly emphasizing the empowerment of “it takes a village” - giving hope to the rise of true community again through conscious efforts to improve western society’s parenting practices.