A review by mindfullibrarian
The Pants Project by Cat Clarke


I’m reviewing this one in list form because that’s how my brain is working today:

- Best middle grade social issue fiction I have read to date
- Best book with two moms I have read to date (best about 2 dads is “The Misadventures of the Family Fletcher” and its sequel)
- Perfectly depicts what so often happens with school bullying and the reactions of teachers ~ initial horror and condemnation of the bully, but no follow-up. AND the inability to erase the fact that kids already heard the horrible words said.
- Liv being trans isn’t the entire point of the book and I love that. I mean, I love that he’s trans, but I appreciate that the journey in the book is about the dress code. It helps portray Liv as a more complex character that all kids can relate to, and puts him being trans into the “oh, and he’s trans” category of character traits, rather than “he’s TRANS!!!! AND NOTHING ELSE!!!!” This helps erase the “otherness” that is so often placed upon characters different than the reader, and translates toward opinions of people in real life.
- I am NOT trans, but I can relate fully to the agony of wearing clothes that don’t fit who I am, and I love how the characters react to having to wear tights. It’s 100% the way I react as a 30-something adult female!

I will be purchasing for both of my school libraries and doing a book talk on it with my middle grades.