A review by goodeyreads
House of Thorns by Isabel Strychacz



Thank you to the author for an eARC!



This is the first book in a long time that I can remember feeling genuinely creeped out by. I loved this haunted house and its many layers. The writing was incredibly atmospheric and built the scene so well I felt it. I was wrapped up in this gothic tale waiting to see what would happen next.

It’s a short book so the pacing moves quickly which keeps the entire situation from being bogged down. I would have loved just a little more build up of the characters backgrounds and relationships but that was my only minor issue.

This was lyrical and cinematic. As someone who doesn’t read a lot of the horror genre I think this is a great balance of scary with still being able to read it at night. I loved trying to solve the secrets of Brier Hall and the mysteries that it held. It’s incredibly eerie and made me crave all things autumn.

Overall audience notes:
- YA Horror
- Language: low-moderate
- Romance: kisses
- Violence: low