A review by sirthomasmalory
Martian Manhunter, Volume 1: The Epiphany by Eddy Barrows, Diogenes Neves, Eber Ferreira, Marc Deering, Gabe Eltaeb, Rob Williams, Tom Napolitano


Almost everything this book accomplishes could probably be two issues - one for Martian Manhunter's sacrifice that occurs early on in the book, one for the rest of the plot here. Then the remaining four could resolve the massive cliffhanger this one currently baits you into the next collection with. As it is, by the time the final issue roles around, the stakes are so unclear that the events play out very flatly. I liked a lot of the individual characters (and even the "they're all Martian Manhunter" conceit), just not the storyline they were placed within. And the in-book art was very good.