A review by izzys_internet_bookshelf
A Peculiar Peril by Jeff VanderMeer



Ok, What in the world did I just read? First off, I had this book on my Libby app and it told me it was over a thousand pages. I Haven't read a book that long in a long while. Here is the thing, for me to read a book that long it has to hold my attention. I thought it would considering how the description sounded but oh. OH. I didn't know what I was getting into. The first few chapters were alright. I was excited to learn about the mystery. But then it started to drag on and the characters were just.. odd. On top of this I found myself wondering if it was a middle grade book but it reminded me it wasn't when their would be some heavy cursing at random parts. The doors were so confusing to me. The whole mystery part of the book through me for a loop. Not to mention the talking carrots and Napoleons head? (??????)