A review by renatasnacks
Batwoman, Volume 2: To Drown the World by W. Haden Blackman, J.H. Williams III


What I like: Batwoman, Kate Kane, Maggie Sawyer, and all permutations of interactions between them.

What I don't like, or at least not in this book:
SpoilerMedusa and the whole bringing beliefs to life thing?? IDK I don't want to blanket say that I don't like stories about ~the power of myth~, because I do, but I guess... Gotham/Batbooks, to me, are more grounded in reality? Like if the Avenger took on some lady who could bring myths to life, fine, cool. When Batwoman does it I'm just like, what?

Anyway so I'm still into Batwoman but I personally hope this storyline wraps up soon.