A review by transportedlfl
Gotta Be Bayou by Erin Nicholas


Spencer is set up as a bit of a jerk, wanting a sweet woman who will cook for him when he gets home from work. He is self-aware that he sounds misogynist as he lays out his girlfriend requirements. And his reasons are rooted in wanting to offset the darkness of his job for the FBI.

Max is not his dream girl. She wears all black, orders takeout, and faces her own share of darkness in her job as an investigative journalist. But their chemistry is hot. And when she is threatened for doing her job, he feels drawn to protect her.

I loved Max and her dedication to investigating and reporting about the misdeeds of the wealthy. She especially focused on chemical dumping and the racism and classism of cancer clusters. And Spencer grew on me. I loved how protective and caring he was. But more, I loved seeing his growth through the story.

This isn't a stand alone. Get the prequel, Bayou Tonight, for free in Ten First Dates, and read it first. It sets up the relationship between Spencer and Max. They first meet in a previous series, but just reading the prequel should be sufficient.

Thank you to the author and Social Butterfly PR for the advanced reader copy. These opinions are my own.