A review by readermonica
A Killing Fire by Faye Snowden


A KILLING FIRE is a page turner that I am so glad to have had an opportunity to read. Snowden takes a unique and darker twist with detective Raven Burns. Not only is she fighting to establish her place with respect in a small town police department, she is also fighting set perceptions of her as the only daughter and suspected accomplice of an infamous serial killer Floyd 'FIRE' Burns who earned his nickname in a brutal and personal way. Added to all of that stress and residual trauma, Raven is also being visited by the specter of her executed father whose legacy and proclivities she is terrified of having inherited. Floyd is the devil in her ear encouraging her to do whatever is necessary to protect herself at all costs.

Raven Burns is probably one of the most emotionally damaged characters that I have come across. Snowden does a really good job making her a sympathetic character without making her pitiable. Raven is strong and courageous but is capable of making some really unfortunate decisions. There were several instances where I wanted to hold my breath while silently hoping that she wouldn't do that stupid thing that was obviously going to happen and I still wanted to groan when it did. Raven's inability to fully trust made her ripe for unnecessary mistakes and decisions that made her life harder both professionally and personally.

I enjoyed pretty much everything about A KILLING FIRE. The characters and their backgrounds, the way the story unfolded, and even the opaque ending. I can't actually tell if this is going to be a series or a stand alone story because of the ending. I would love for this to be a series so that I can follow Raven's struggles to figure out who she is, what she wants to be, how hard she is willing to fight to get there, and where she eventually lands. However, I can also see where this could be a satisfying stand alone because a story ending on what is basically a fade to black ellipses like dangling end can also be good even though it left with a 'GAH' what the hell happened?! As always, I admit and embrace that I am a greedy reader when it comes to stories that I enjoy-it is what it is y'all. I am very much looking forward to reading whatever Snowden delivers next.

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