A review by joannaautumn
Made You Up by Francesca Zappia


I am very disappointed and highly confused.

Why would anyone have this story with these characters in their head?

The synopsis promises a wild adventure and the look inside the mind of a person with schizophrenia, so you'd expect it to be interesting and the narrative to be unreliable. I was hyped.

However, what I got was:

A weird plot that makes minimal sense.
I expected this to be action packed, tense, I expected more from the method of storytelling.
The plot is one big weird mush loosely tied together. After finishing the book I wondered how can I write a review for this? There was not a single aspect of this book that was decent. There were some plot holes, some unnecessary scenes, but the only thing that can come up as good here are the few unexpected twists. But one pro vs 20 cons doesn't make a book good.

Unrealistic characters.
None of these characters felt real.
The abusive principal with an unhealthy obsession who got electrocuted in the past?
A boy who is teased for being Aryan and speaking with a German accent? While we are at it, Miles as a character is not only highly unrealistic, he feels out of place. If that makes sense.
The mean cheerleader character was flat as hell, the author tried to give her character depth with the whole abuse story but this all feels like minimal effort was put into making and developing her character.

The world where these characters live is nothing special or memorable.
I don't remember all the places introduced, not by name at least. There is nothing that stands out in this world or setting.

There is nothing else I can add to this. The writing was okay but nothing extraordinary.

Not a book for me, I don't recommend this.