A review by thathappyreader
The Happy Ever After Playlist by Abby Jimenez


I love a romantic comedy - especially with so much happening in our world. The Happy Ever After Playlist is simply one of the best I have ever read.
The story starts two years after the author’s debut novel “The Friend Zone” ends. Although this book may not be considered a sequel, it was nice to have the back story. Sloan is trying to move on with her life when, literally, a dog jumps into her car. She tries desperately to contact the owner - Jason, who happens to be a musician currently in Australia recording a soundtrack. When he finally receives a cell signal he returns her texts and starts the beginning of the type of flirtatious banter so reminiscent of great rom-coms. By the time Jason flies back to L.A., the two cannot wait to to meet up. The story continues with the couple trying to make a relationship work when one partner is a musician.
Where this book really excels to me is the wide-ranging emotions to be experienced by the reader. There are many moments of humour, but also times when I felt grief, anger, and sadness. It is important to me to feel this connection to a book. The characters are memorable and demonstrate respect for others.
I purchased the audiobook version of this book through my Audible subscription. Erin Mallon and Zachary Webber narrated this book and brought another dimension to the characters - the performance by this duo is exceptional.
I recommend this book to anyone that loves romantic comedy or in need of some lighter fiction. You won’t be disappointed.