A review by chelsea2020
Transcendent by Lesley Livingston


I am fan-girling so freaking hard right now that I cannot even contain myself!!! What an epic conclusion to this wonderfully mythological book!! That battle though....Daaaannnggg!!! Be still, my beating heart.

Sorry, not sorry, for that bit of obnoxious fan-girling. I just HAD to get it out of my system. You understand.

Anyhoo, this final book in the Starling Saga was full of action, riddles, and a prophecy that seemed destined to destroy them all. But Mason is looking for a loophole around every corner. As she had been numerously told, destiny is in the eyes of the one who interpret's it. Destiny is exactly what Mason decides to make of it. And so she shall fight.

I loved the growth that my favorite characters experienced; fighting their inner demons, remaining a team throughout all the turmoil, and loving each other with all of their valiant souls. *swoons*

About the only compliant I had for this book (and the series itself, now that I think about it) was that the entirety of it occurred in literally ONE FREAKING DAY!! ONE DAY, and Ragnarok had time to come to fruition and conclusion. Um...What?? Excuse Me?? How many hours are in a freaking day?! Not enough for al the crap that happened to happen, that's for farm sure. But no matter. All's well that ends well.