A review by kindlebabe
A Perfect Vintage by Chelsea Fagan


Book : A Perfect Vintage
Author : Chelsea Fagan
Pub Date : 06 Jun 2023

Thank you NetGalley, Orsay Press LLC & the author for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I love the cover of it book screams summer and a rich lifestyle!! I love this cover!!! I was so excited when I got the opportunity to read and review this books. Entering summer—this book is the perfect way to begin.

With how the author wrote this book! The older woman—younger man aspect was fabulous and the romance was just the right amount to not feel overwhelming or too much. You felt as though you are with the characters and they love through the story line. These characters are well written/developed.

This book is a 4 star for me and I will recommend this to friends of mine for an all around amazing summer read. Turn on a curated playlist for this book, imagine you’re at a French chateau by the pool with a pair of sunglasses, drink in your hand and let this book devour you!