A review by stheodore
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Joe Dispenza


[Permanently on bookshelf]
Readers of this book generally rate it a 1* or a 5*. I gave it 5*, and let me explain why.

I entered the era of self-help when I had a dark cloud lingering above my head. This was one of 4 books that I picked up one random morning, and the only one that I can honestly say changed my life.

While many claim that Joe is a quack, or find annoyance in authors using scientific studies to back spiritual concepts, they've forgotten the point of a book like this: to help others.

"Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself" fundamentally teaches you about mind-heart coherence. It emphasizes that there is a feedback loop between what you feel, think and believe. It keeps reminding you to go off autopilot. Regardless of whether or not the scientific 'evidence' truly stands behind what Joe writes, making changes, or 'breaking a [bad] habit' is healthy. Because of this book, I broke the habit of being my old self, and I put myself on a fast-paced journey to recovery from depression.