A review by undertheteacup
Soul to Keep by Rebekah Weatherspoon


*sigh* *heart-eyes* This is probably my favorite of the series in terms of pacing and tone.

Weatherspoon doesn't shy away from depicting the interpersonal problems of living in a sorority house and serving a bunch of vampires, and that drama never feels petty. Rather, the way she handles her characters' emotional lives feels profound and truthful - people can get hurt even if you didn't mean to hurt them, having authority doesn't mean you are mature, and as Jill points out in the book itself, being right doesn't mean you are being kind or good. One of my favorite things about this series is the fact that the 'villains' of the previous book are usually the main characters of the next, truly highlighting the fact that sometimes people don't agree and both of them can be right (at the same time, both of them can be wrong). And sometimes people just don't like each other, and that doesn't mean that one of them has the moral high ground. I almost wish these books were appropriate for high schoolers, because they have such amazing content regarding taking care of yourself, emotions, and dealing with others.

The love story is incredible and sweet and so very satisfying, particularly because Jill learns to honor her own desire for love and companionship, and also develops some really healthy wonderful boundaries. Some parts were wildly unrealistic and I had to remind myself that this is romance and that the HEA (or HFN) comes first, regardless of how many 'rules' of believability are being bent in the process :)