A review by adris_bookstory
Heartless Sky by Susanne Valenti, Caroline Peckham


I am so glad I holed myself in my flat while I read this book. I went through so many emotions, I have sobbed tears of joy and sadness, I have felt so much anger at points of reading and then I was left utterly broken by this ending. I never saw this coming, and I feel like a part of my soul has been left with this book.
We know the twisted sisters love a cliffhanger but this one was something else!
This book gave us so much. We had action at every turn, friendships being formed and strengthened, and relationships being put to the test.
I loved to see other characters from the Solaria worlds joining in this series and how they worked together! Also adding POV chapters from Lionel was perfection!
I wanted to try and drag this book out but I couldn’t, I needed to know more and more. I needed the curse to be revealed, I needed to know what would happen to Darius, and I needed to know what would come of the prophecy. I think all our questions were answered but now we have a boatload more we need to know. Please please don’t make us wait much longer for the 3rd book.