A review by kate_m_m
Juliet Takes a Breath: The Graphic Novel by Gabby Rivera


This is the (rare) example where I think the graphic adaptation is stronger than the book, because It trims out a lot of the 101isms that bloated the book and keeeps in only the meat of Juliet's growth journey over the summer (topics: Queerness, BIPOC feminism, problematic white allyship, self-love & self-empowerment, family structures, writing). Gabby wrote this adaptation, so that's part of why I think it's so good. The color palette for the graphics was warm and inviting and it was a great design choice to change the background color whenever Juliet moved location. The text/graphics married so well and were additive to Juliet's learning journey, especially in the joyfully consenting queer sex scenes. A strongly recommended read for upper HS/new adult.