A review by lee25
The Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman


WOW! [b:The Dovekeepers|10950924|The Dovekeepers|Alice Hoffman|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1306253903s/10950924.jpg|15868401] was an amazing story.

I loved Yael’s story from the first page and I was so disappointed when the story moved on to Revka’s point of view because I was sure it wouldn’t be as good.

How wrong I was, while Revka’s “voice” was different, her story was every bit as moving, tragic, and beautiful as Yael’s.

Then we moved on to Aziza, who, although she was still so young, had an amazing story of loss and courage.

Lastly, Shirah, who lived her entire life knowing what her future held.

Each woman’s point of view was beautifully told

[b:The Dovekeepers|10950924|The Dovekeepers|Alice Hoffman|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1306253903s/10950924.jpg|15868401] is not the first novel I have read set during the siege of Masada, but [a:Alice Hoffman|3502|Alice Hoffman|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1477318484p2/3502.jpg]’s characters bought the realities of everyday life, and the tragedy of the final days, to life.

Definitely one for my favourites list, a novel I know I will read again.