A review by chocolatemeerkat
Hamilton's Battalion: A Trio of Romances by Courtney Milan, Alyssa Cole, Rose Lerner


I received an arc of this from Netgalley in exchange for a review.

This book was amazing. I loved each of the stories so much and they all were beautifully written an each balanced the book well. For this I am going to mainly talk about Courtney Milans Pursuit Of because I genuinely cried over and not my eyes shine but full on tears.

I have never read a book by Milan befoee and this novella is my first. I am highly impressed that is her first mm romance. It is so well done and does not fall into the typical mf tropes that often get applied to mm stories written by primarily mf authors.

I fell in love with Henry as I have never identified so strongly with a character before. I viewed him as having todays equivalent of ADD but from the perspective of the 1700s. Henry's speech patterns and mannerisms spoke so much to how I talk and carry conversations how they do not follow any linear pattern. I try quite a bit to try and bring everything back to my main point and it can be extremely difficult. Just like Henry I experienced being told I was stupid that I talk to much. I painfully related to how he was treated by others and the stories that he could weave. I hold Henry dear in my heart.

I also appreciated how John's experiences were not minimized and that Henry did his best to listen and learn and not just bluff John off or wipe it away. That was truly refreshing to read. I loved how they fell in love over a 600+ mile journey and that they were able to stay together and grow old together.

I look forward to reading more books by all three authors.