A review by kblincoln
Mystic Bonds by C.C. Solomon


In a post apocalyptic word where small groups live in walked enclaves: conflict exists between normal humans and those with powers.

When we first meet Amina she and her friends live in a prison run by a sadistic human who uses their blood to make a serum conferring powers on humans.

She escapes, but has to leave her friends behind . On her journey to find help and the handsome man she keeps seeing in a dream she meets other people (always one man and one woman oddly) also dreaming of safety. Together they form a group of 6 that a prophet tells her will be the deciding force when a great evil enters the world.

This one was not to my taste. I am not a fan of Ill defined broad powers or magic system with no rules. Amina is a witch, but doesn’t do spells although paragraphs are devoted to explaining witch vs mage etc via info dump. Also her brother is described as a tech mage able to control electricity but also stop bullets (telekinesis?)

I also wasn’t happy with the meandering plot. She wants to save her friends but will “try out” a new city for a month? The prophet Anna Mae tells them important info and shows strong powers but completely disappears from the story in the last part of the book when Amina’s friends face trouble from the city’s were pack?

Amina is imprisoned and then let go because the head guy feels sorry for her?

For me this fell into the double trap of an ok defined problem for the main character coupled with too broad powers that seemed to be quite capable of major damage to their enemies but never deployed. Probably won’t be following along to the next book despite the major cliffhanger and surprise return of someone we thought gone forever at the end of the book.