A review by agob187
The Help by Kathryn Stockett


I honestly didn't hear about this book until the movie was out ( helllooo where was I?), but as soon as I saw Emma Stone's face, I knew I had to get my hands on a copy. I love that girl!
I also love books written in this time period about this subject. As hard as it is to read about it's not only an important part of history, but a topic that needs to be talked about.

I loved Stockett's characters in this book. I felt a real connection with Skeeter, thinking differently than her friends. I loved Minny the most and her whit. I also loved to hate Hilly Holbrook and what she stood for, and I was hoping someone would punch her in the face, but the 'Terrible Awful' was pretty sweet too.

The book isn't terribly fast-paced, but having three POV's to follow makes it move along quite smoothly. I highly recommend this book , and I am excited to watch the movie because from what I've seen in the trailer, it follows pretty close to the book. it took me MONTHS for my turn to borrow it in the library but I'm so glad I got the chance to read it. I really enjoyed it.