A review by eesh25
The Atlantis Complex by Eoin Colfer


This might be my least favourite book in the series so far; which is not to say that I didn’t like the book, just that I didn’t enjoy it as much as I usually enjoy these books. I’m hoping that the next one will be better. It is the last one, after all.

The story kicks off with Artemis not doing too well. He’s exhibiting obsessive behaviour and paranoia to the point where it’s like he’s barely even Artemis anymore. We soon find out why he’s behaving this way, but there’s no time to act on the new information as Artemis—in the middle of a meeting with some very important people—gets attacked and almost dies. Thankfully, said important people include Holly and Foley, so he has some company as he runs for his life. It’s company he sorely needs, too, thanks to his current condition.

So, as you can see, the plot is good. I like the villain too, and their plan. The pace is fantastic. I love all of the characters. And it’s always fun to see how they’re going to involve Mulch and how the villain will be outsmarted in the end.

I also like that, for once, the villain isn’t Opal Koboi. In fact, Opal is such a common occurrence that she’s the first one they suspect—they wouldn’t be very smart if they didn’t. But Artemis is also smart enough to not get stuck on an idea, especially one that’s based on assumption.

Speaking of Artemis, I kinda missed him in this book. Because of his condition, he’s acting differently and even missing from parts of the book. And since Artemis and his various relationships are my favourite part of the series, their absence is the biggest reason I didn’t enjoy this installment as much. I wasn’t a fan of the condition Artemis has, either. It felt a little too like it was made up to fit the plot. I usually love the author’s additions to his world but maybe not this one.

Overall though, this was an enjoyable read still, and I’m super excited to see how this series will end.