A review by acesarrows
Absolutely, Positively by Jayne Ann Krentz


A classic JAK novel.

I felt that this one got off to a slow start, but did pick up after a while.
The 'mystery' was a bit unnecessary here, I think these two people would have worked better with more internal dialogue, but it was a cute read anyway.

I will say though that the secondary characters here (family and friends) were all complete jerks. I realize it's a romance novel and there needs to be tension, but all of these people were unbelievably patronizing and rude. After all the two main characters have done for their families, the response they get once they announce their marriage is "are you sure?"
Not one person said 'congratultions!'

It was just a bit strange.

If you like [a:Jayne Ann Krentz|2387|Jayne Ann Krentz|http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1312411698p2/2387.jpg], then you'll enjoy this.