A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Perfect World, Volume 2 by Rie Aruga


Graphic novels and mangas are usually not my thing. They somehow keep me waiting for more, as if there's always something missing. I need the inner monologue, the train of thoughts, the connections between one scene and the next. However, for this series I like to make an exception. The theme is important and so rarely done well.

Once more this installment shows the struggles an abled bodied girl and a disabled bodied boy face when they're in a relationship. It's not always easy to read, sometimes it's downright sad. But I recognize so many of my own thoughts and worries. And I think that this is a really realistic and good way to portray the truth, even if it's not always pretty.

I'm still struggling a little sometimes with connecting the scenes and understanding how those scenes relate to each other, especially because sometimes I feel the characters look a little too alike for me to see the difference well, but the message of the story lands loud and clear. I can't wait to order the next book in the series and to get to it!