A review by thebooknivore
Kolyma Tales by Varlam Shalamov


“We realized that life, even the worst life, consists of an alternation of joys and sorrows, successes and failures, and there was no need to fear the failures more than the successes”- Dry Rations

“The cartographer who lays out new paths on the earth, new roads for people, and the gravedigger, who must observe the laws of death, must both use the same instrument—a black graphite pencil”- Graphite

I read this for my USSR history class. It took me a bit longer than I should’ve to read it but for the class I didn’t need to read the entire book but me being me I still read the entire book.

I enjoyed it. It was hard to read but it was good and an important type of read to see what happened in the Gulag.