A review by simsbrarian
Art of Aromatherapy by Sue Ninham, Pamela Allardice


This small book begins with a brief 4-page intro on the topic of aromatherapy's history, the use of oils in massage, baths or as inhalants and a warning of the danger of buying oils without guidance. Covering 30 Essential Oils with a quick 1-2 page run-down on each; this book tries to touch a very little bit on a description/history, medicnal uses and properties. Each oil is also shown next to an image/drawing. Throughout there are warnings on various oils "Caution: Avoid Use During Pregnancy" which the intro suggests means they can trigger menstruation or miscarriage. It's very much "Aromatherapy Info: LIGHT. Some of the pictures are drawings/pictures are pretty and some of the text is laughably entertaining ("Why the oil of the orange blossom should be called neroli is a mystery."); though that may not have been the intention.

Anything you didn’t like about it? This is pretty useless and fails on all levels. It isn't organized in any way that would help folks interested in Aromatherapy to use it as an actual "guide" to anything; recipes are sporadically included and not searchable by table of contents or other identifier (book lacks any index). The 30 oils included are arranged alphabetically by the Latin name of their origin plant (which is useless if you're hoping for an indication of which might be best for relaxation or some other ailment). Images are not always of the origin plant; but sometimes just of an old painting or woodcarving. This is incredibly strangely organized, highly uninformative, and not likely to prove useful as a "guide".

To whom would you recommend this book? Might be an interesting read for a few minutes as a coffee table book (though it is rather small); perhaps something for the bathroom literature basket?

Who should buy this book? Individuals VERY interested in aromatherapy who need ALL the books on it