A review by ayaelniaj
The Spare Room by Andrea Bartz


3/5☆ w/ a round up

I only got into this book because it was a domestic thriller, and im enjoying these books nowadays. The romance part of the book was annoying, disgusting, and felt forced. Did not like it all.
Aside from the romantic aspect, the thriller part of it was interesting. The plot twist made me open my eyes WIDE, definitely not expected at all.
I didnt like how Kelly's character showed how much of an anxious and overthinker she is yet she was soooo naive in so many situations and disregarded red neon flags that sound alarming to any person let alone someone who overthinks. Aside from that, i was frustrated by her character because it was well written to make the reader feel and see her anxiety that was boarderline suffocating to her and the reader.

Would i recommend the book? Absolutely not. I did not dnf because i was invested to know who the killer was, but the romance side really ruined it all.