A review by jackie_of_all_books
Tangled Twosome by Meghan Quinn


Meghan’s books always have me laughing and her audio people are so spot on. The way they say some things just has me cracking up out loud. This was Racer and Georgianas love story. And this book was so neat because we’ve gotten so many hints at racer and to finally get his full story. We know about his childhood best friend Hayden and how him and Adeline end up together since I’ve already read their book. This mentions the night Hayden meets Adeline but briefly it doesn’t talk about how racer wasn’t a fan and the timeline seemed to not mesh as well bevause I feel like Hayden and Adeline were completely in love before racer had anyone in the picture and in racers version Hayden and Adeline are just starting to get cozy at Emma and tuckers wedding which I could be wrong but I don’t remember their wedding in Hayden’s book but I could be forgetful. So let’s start back with this book. Racer is working a side gig for Georgiana’s dad working on their pool house. Her and her friend Madeline sit by the pool with their drinks and their dino nugs and watch him slave away. The one day she tried to talk to him and he snaps. She had punctured his air rose with her heel causing him to take longer on the job and her father docked him $1000 that he needed. But he can’t let her know how bad he needs the money. We know that racer is working himself all day long on tuckers crew and picking up as many side gigs as possible just to try to make ends meet. We know when Hayden had been at his house he noticed the bills and the lack of any furniture but knew racer would not want any hand outs. That’s not how he was raised. Georgiana has been dreaming of starting a bridal store and has a complete spreadsheet to show her dad. She presents it to him and can tell he’s impressed but then tells her she needs to focus on helping her mom with charity’s and finding a husband and he won’t give her her trust money early. Her brother Abe loans her 500K and says it makes sense and he supports her. She loves her brother and his wife waverly who is completely different around her than how she is around their parents. She puts on the perfect show when in fact she is totally genuine and not fake at all like Georgians father wants the women to be. He wants them to be followers not leaders. Not that Georgiana has the money hee father told every contractor not to do her job so she’s at a stand still. She has the building and no way to remodel. When Madeline has the idea they ask Racer. She throws oranges at him to get his attention and tells him she has an opportunity for him. Racer tells Tucker and smalls about it and they tell him the girls definitely want him to be a stripper. But we know they want him to help remodel so this part is funny. Even funnier when he calls Madeline and she asks him yo come over right away and he puts music on and starts to strip and Madeline encourages it. And then he finds out that’s not what she asked him over for she wanted him to remodel the studio. He leaves embarrassed and pissed off but Georgiana follows him out and agrees to 15K to him and she pays for material with her card. They go back inside to re evaluate and he says Madeline needs to leave. Him and Georgiana start a bit of wars. They play pranks on each other throughout the days and are always on each others wits end. They can’t stand the other but can’t help but find each other attractive as well. When Georgiana strolled in in her booty shorts, work boots and tank top he was done for. She looked so damn good. Georgiana can’t take the sexual distress any longer and agrees to go on a date with a man her father suggested. He was a bore and didn’t put out which she needed. And when he sent roses the next day, racer teased her about them. He brought Smalls over to help with drywall and Madeline was enthralled by how big he is but he wouldn’t give her his number. Georgina and racer begin to tease each other and she has her shirt off and they are close when her date walks in. He tells her he doesn’t like playing games and leaves. She tries to tell him there’s nothing between her and racer that he’s gay and this was soooo funny. Because he had told the guy he was a stripper and they just spiraled into awful lies. She was so mad at racer because she was hoping this guy would be her date. Bitsy has a party with a fashion show every year and this year it’s wedding dresses and she knows it would be such a good opportunity for her to get connections but she has to have a plus one. And was hoping he would be it. Adeline and Emma choose this as their time to show up at the shop, Georgiana calls them his bimbos but he corrects her and says to show more respect that Emma could possibly be her first customer. The girls all end up hitting it off and teaming up against racer. They then volunteer that he be Georgiana’s date to the hamptons. He knows he can’t afford it and afford to take time off but can’t stand for her to take someone else so he agrees. Georgiana parents had kicked her out if she was going to continue with her business so she was staying at her parents and had asked Racer for a night of fun. He had taken her to skip rock, dance on a bar and play pool and they had kissed at the end of the night. The best kiss of both of their lives but Georgiana wanted to act like she didn’t want it and racer wanted to tease her about it. The girls all take racer shopping for clothes to wear while at the hamptons he almost passed out when the total came to $600 and waverly paid for it for him. He could never afford that. He eats bologna sandwiches every day and the most he eats is when Tucker and Smalls bring him food. He feels bad taking their pity but they know how bad he’s struggling. They know that when his dad was sick it crippled them in bills and that when he died Racer was left to clean up the bills and had sold all of his belongings just to be able to keep the house they built together. It broke his heart to sell the furniture they had built together but the house meant the most. Him and Georgiana get to their small place in the hamptons and instantly are glued to each other until Madeline and Georgiana’s other brother Steven I think his name was walk in and catch them. If they hadn’t of walked in they definitely would have had sex and given in to the temptation. Throughout the night Georgiana is pulsing from the way racer makes her feel. He fingers her under the table until she has to go to the bathroom to stop herself from moaning at the table. When they get back to the room they fuck 4 times. And he calls her his girlfriend she tells him hell have to work harder than that. At the party Georgiana tells everyone he is the head of a bank and he follows her lies to keep her happy. When her dad comes to talk to him he doesn’t even recognize him as the boy who did the work on their pool. He tells racer to keep Georgiana in line and get her to quit chasing her foolish dream and racer snaps and tells him how wrong he is to feel that way instead of supporting his daughter and her dreams. Madeline witnessed it all and tells Georgiana how hot it was watching racer stand up for her. She agrees and tells him. He says he didn’t tell her because he knew how excited she was for winning over some of the wedding companies she met. She told him she’d be honored to go back to Binghamton as hos girlfriend. They go back and the next 2 weeks are bliss. Working on the shop and making love. Georgiana has always kept a book of pretty words and Racer adds to her book. She always thought she’d get picked on but he supports everything she does. Racer is nervous for her to see his house but when she comes over she tells him how beautiful the place is and how he should never be ashamed of it how they are two of the same. And he realizes how right she is. She may be born rich but she’s had to fight tooth and nail for her dreams where as he had a father who loved him and pushed him endlessly but not the money to back it. On their way to the hamptons racer had confessed to her about losing his dad. She had thrown his pencil the day before and he had freaked out on her and he wanted her to know the meaning that his dad used to collect pencils on job sites and that’s one of the few things he has left. She had seen the overdue bills at one point too and he had been so ashamed. But she told him he should have asked her sooner for payment for the work he’d been doing. He had felt so guilty to ask but he needed that money. Georgiana’s dad stopped into the shop about a week before the opening and saw racer there alone and realized who he was. He lashed out and racer stood his ground and backed Georgiana and her dreams. Hee father said he would ruin his life. When racer went to work he got fired. Georgiana knew she hadn’t heard from racer but he had been on a job far away and she was just thankful construction was already done on her story. When adalyn and Emma dropped by and asked if she knew how he was and clammed up but she begged them to talk and they confessed that her father had went to Racers boss and got him fired and then had him blackmailed so he can’t get a job anywhere. Georgiana drives to racers as fast as she can and sees him packing up his truck. He tells her he loves her but that he can’t keep holding her back and standing in the way of her dreams and he can’t get a job around here so he’s going to Pittsburgh to apply. She cries and wants him to stay but knows he’s letting her go so she can strive but she wants him by her side on opening day. He helped make this dream come true. As opening day gets nearer she sends him words every day but no response. The night before opening when tucker hands her flowers and they all come to see her she knows he won’t be there. On opening day things are going so well. Racers friends have became her friends and they have helped her so much. But the one person she wants there isn’t there. And then she sees her father. She had went and seen her father and told him off for what he did. And here he is, apologizing and saying how someone opened her eyes and shows her a letter. Racer sent him a letter about being a better father to her. And included a word which he sends her the meaning of in a text and when she looks outside his pickup is there. He made it! I was crying a little when racer had left her and told her how much he loved her this part was so sad and when he comes back. He tells her he got a new job nearby. A construction company. Him tucker and Smalls. In tuckers book they talk about that being the dream but not having the funding to get away from drunk Julius but Georgiana’s dad funded them. And he’s going to pay rent for run the business out of Racers house until they find a different space so he won’t lose the house. He had a for sale sign in the yard and it broke mine and Georgiana’s heart. In the epilogue they’re at emma and tuckers wedding. Yay!!! We love emma and tucker. Racer was the best man. Smalls has a child as his date? Georgiana’s business is thriving. She mentions talk of ring to racer and he already has it but is trying to find the perfect word before he asks. The name tangled twosome comes from how they walked the fine line of hate that turned into love. They pushed and pulled at each others wits ends and ended up finding love. I am so excited for smalls book next!!! I love that we got tastes of emma and tucker and even small doses of Hayden and Adelyn in this book.