A review by vdarcangelo
The Best American Essays 2011 by Robert Atwan, Edwidge Danticat



Christopher Hitchens, "Topic of Cancer"
RIP Hitch: the man right up to the end

Charlie LeDuff, "What Killed Aiyana Stanley-Jones?"
One of the greatest articles I've ever read, and a sharp-witted, merciless account of modern Detroit--this is a must-read

Victor Lavalle, "Long Distance"
About as smart a piece on perversion and body image (and phone sex) you'll ever read

Meenakshi Gigi Durham, "Grieving"
Thoughtful investigation of how work (and the lack thereof) informs our identity

Bernadette Esposito, "A-LOC"
Darkly hallucinogenic

Madge McKeithen, "What Really Happened"
A gut-wrenching existential descent--I want the author to find peace, and to punch the bastard in the face

Rachel Riederer, "Patient"
Not for the weak-stomached! New favorite phrase, "shin sashimi"

Zadie Smith, "Generation Why?"
As thorough a critique of Facebook culture as you'll find--but would you expect anything less from the fabulous Zadie Smith?

Jerald Walker, "Unprepared"
Coming of age against the backdrop of the Atlanta Child Murders

Easily the most eclectic installment of Best American Essays I've read.