A review by talldrinkofdietcoke
Being Me by Lisa Renee Jones


What originally captures my love for The Inside Out Trilogy was how different it was. It wasn't just a BDSM book, although there are aspects. And it's not just a romance novel, although there's that too. And it's not just a suspense thriller, although there are moments I'm hanging on the edge of my seat. It's all of it. I'm completely drawn in by Lisa's ability to mix everything that feels "wrong" and make it so right. Added bonus is Rebecca's journals, released as 5 separate books to keep you warm at night while waiting for Being Me to be released.

Struggling to copy with the secrets Chris has revealed, Sara finds herself torn. Her deepening feelings for Chris are at odds with everything she's tried to protect herself from. As Sara's secrets and Chris' demons are revealed, their relationship is threatened.

And where's Rebecca? That's still the question. Through all the personal and emotional turmoil, Sara's thoughts constantly land back to the fate of Rebecca. Chris does all he can to keep, hiring a PI team to search her out.

The journals are still on the forefront of Sara's mind. She finds two more journals that are Rebecca's and although they are not a personal, they are a major clue.

Sara's also worried about her neighbor Ella, who hasn't called in on her honeymoon and Sara, despite frequent attempts, has not been able to get a hold of her. Is something wrong? Could it be connected to the Rebecca case? Or is Sara just being paranoid?

There's so much going on in this story yet it's not one of those stories that there's so much you get lost. This incredibly written series is such a breathe of fresh air, it's no surprise that it's caught the interest of the Starz Channel for a potential new show! Just consider me a Lisa Renee Jones groupie!