A review by morganamberj
Womanish: A Grown Black Woman Speaks on Love and Life by Kim McLarin


I was in the middle of reading "Black is the Body", another book of essays, when I found myself bored and wanting to read something else. This book was conveniently next to me and I picked it up. I finished it in a single day.

What "Black is the Body" lacks in fire, "Womanish" has the matches and gasoline. Every essay was punctuated with the no-nonsense voice of a Black mother speaking her truth and telling her wisdom. I found myself completely entranced in her life lessons and even laughing at the more ridiculous parts. Seriously, next to "We're Going to Need More Wine" by Gabrielle Union, this book is at the same level in humor.

The book and essays are short and concise. There's not a lot of fluffy language either so it doesn't feel like someone is oppressing you with their knowledge. There is plenty of knowledge, though, believe me. All in all, this book is getting a 5/5 on the Books and Bougie Scale. I should buy it.